Solar Glossary

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Thermal electric: Electrical energy obtained through heat energy, by subjecting the working fluid to heat, to drive turbo-generator. Refer to solar thermal electric definition.

Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) device: Any device designed for maximum efficiency using the wavelength of possibly secondary thermal radiation, to convert the re-emitted radiation by a heat source or absorber to electric power.

Thick-crystalline materials: A semiconductor material cut from ribbons or ingots, with an average thickness of 200-400 microns.

Thin film: Refers to a semiconductor material layer that is barely a few microns thick and made from copper indium dieseline, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride or gallium arsenide used in the making of PV cells.

Total internal reflection: Refers to the holding back of light by reflection and refraction at crucial angles within the semiconductor device, in order that the semiconductor can absorb, instead of letting it escape from the device.

Tracking array: Refers to the photovoltaic array that tracks the sunメs path to secure the maximum radiation incident hitting the surface of the PV. There are 2 common types ヨ Single axis and two-axis tracking. The former keeps track of the sunメs path from the east to the west while the array faces the sun all the time. Such devices use direct as well as diffused solar light. A double-axis tracking array is able to harness the highest quantum of energy daily. Even though it is dependent on latitude and season, the single-axis tracker gives 15-25% extra power daily, whereas, the two-axis system adds 5% more to this.

Transformer: It increases or decreases the AC voltage, depending on its configuration.