701-Legally Required Standby Systems: Page 5 of 5

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from the same panelboard as that of the normal lighting circuits and is provided with a lock-on feature.

IV. Overcurrent Protection

701.15 Accessibility. The branch-circuit overcurrent devices in legally required standby circuits shall be accessible to authorized persons only.

701.17 Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment The al- ternate source for legally required standby systems shall not be required to have ground-fault protection of equipment.

701.18 Coordination. Legally required standby system(s) overcurrent devices shall be selectively coordinated with all supply side overcurrent protective devices.

Exception: Selective coordination shall not be required in d)or(2):

(1) Between transformer primary and secondary overcurrent protective devices, where only one overcurrent protective device or set of overcurrent protective devices exists on the transformer secondary,

(2) Between overcurrent protective devices of the same size (ampere rating) in series.