708-Critical Operations Power Systems

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FPN: Rules that are followed by a reference in brackets contain text that has been extracted from NFPA 1600-
2007, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management

and Business Continuity Programs. Only editorial

changes were made to the extracted text to make it
consistent with this Code.

I. General

708.1 Scope. The provisions of this article apply to the installation, operation, monitoring, control, and mainte nance of the portions of the premises wiring system in tended to supply, distribute, and control electricity to designated critical operations areas (DCOA) in the event of disruption to elements of the normal system.

Critical operations power systems are those systems so classed by municipal, state, federal, or other codes by any governmental agency having jurisdiction or by facility engineering documentation establishing the necessity for such a system. These systems include but are not limited to power systems, HVAC, fire alarm, security, communications, and signaling for designated critical operations areas.
FPN No. 1: Critical operations power systems are generally installed in vital infrastructure facilities that, if destroyed or incapacitated, would disrupt national security, the economy, public health or safety; and where enhanced electrical infrastructure for continuity of operation has been deemed necessary by governmental authority.
FPN No. 2: For further information on disaster and emergency management see NFPA 1600-2007, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs.
FPN No. 3: For further information regarding performance of emergency and standby power systems, see NFPA 110-2005, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.
FPN No. 4: For further information regarding performance and maintenance of emergency systems in health care facilities, see NFPA 99-2005, Standard for Health Care Facilities.
FPN No. 5: For specification of locations where emergency lighting is considered essential to life safety, see NFPA 70/®-2006, Life Safety Code®.
FPN No. 6: For further information on regarding physical security, see NFPA 730-2006, Guide for Premises Security.
FPN No. 7: Threats to facilities that may require transfer of operation to the critical systems include both naturally occurring hazards and human-caused events. See also A.5.3.2 of NFPA 1600-2007.
FPN No. 8: See Annex G for information on Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition.

708.2 Definitions.

Commissioning. The acceptance testing, integrated system testing, operational tune-up, and start-up testing is the process by which baseline test results verify the proper operation and sequence of operation of electrical equipment, in addition to developing baseline criteria by which future trend analysis can identify equipment deterioration.

Critical Operations Power Systems (COPS). Power sys- tems for facilities or parts of facilities that require continuous operation for the reasons of public safety, emergency management, national security, or business continuity.

Designated Critical Operations Areas (DCOA). Areas within a facility or site designated as requiring critical operations power.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

An electronic system that provides monitoring and controls for the operation of the critical operations power system. This can include the fire alarm system, security system, control of the HVAC, the start/stop/monitoring of the power supplies and electrical distribution system, annunciation and communication equipment to emergency personnel, facility occupants, and remote operators.
708.3 Application of Other Articles. Except as
