Low Speed Electric Vehicles

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Low Speed Vehicles (LSV)

 In many communities in both the U.S and Canada, Low Speed Vehicles, popularly known as LSVs, have been restricted to gated communities because of their low speed capabilities. As LSVs grow in popularity, these restrictions may change to be more in line with the road allowances given to drivers in Europe. Here, we take a look at the different types of LSVs, and at how Europe has adapted to allow for their increased use.


Quadricycles are the European equivalent to the U.S.’s Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV). Like the NEV, the quadricyle is capable of traveling at speeds of 40-50 mph, or 65-80 km/h. But unlike road restrictions for the NEVs, quadricyles are not restricted by their speed capabilities and are allowed on any road.

Europe has been selling diesel powered quadricycles since the early 1980s, but the times and technology have changed, and electric quadricycles have become the popular alternative to fuel-driven vehicles. Western Europe now boasts an estimated 300,000 quadricycle drivers traveling their roads, with the largest market for quadricycles currently in France.  

Quadricycles are not mandated by law to pass crash testing standards, nor are they subject to normal car safety regulations. However, many manufacturers choose to perform their own crash tests voluntarily in order to provide customers confidence in their vehicles. Studies have shown an accident rate of three times less than that of a conventional car, while accidents with serious injuries involving quadricycles were twice less likely than those with conventional cars,.


In both Europe and North America, regulations state that three wheeled vehicles below a certain weight are technically classified as motorcycles and not cars. Hence, motorcyclists can ride tricycles in many countries with the same restrictions legislated for motorcyles. Since there are no speed or power restrictions on them, tricycle drivers are free to travel any road,

Like the fore mentioned quadricyle and NEV, tricycles are also not subjected to normal car safety regulations.

Most electric tricycles in the U.S. take on a very different image than what most people imagine them to be. Tricycles like the Duo, Aptera, and Triac are sleek, fast, high tech vehicles. They offer fast performance with an excellent range, combining light weight and efficient aerodynamics.

Light Quadricycles and Restricted Tricycles

Another category of vehicle in the European market is the light quadricycle. Light quadricycles are restricted in speed and power, with a top speed of 28 mph or 40 km/h. These are similar in speed and restricted use to the popular moped – a step above the bicycle – and can be driven by drivers as young as 16 years old.