Research Electric Car Performance: Page 2 of 2

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  • lower ranges in cold weather)
  • How expensive are the spare parts and where can you find them?
  • How about servicing the car?
  • Where are the specialist companies to service the cars?
  • How often do batteries need to be replaced?
  • What is the battery replacement cost?
  • What are some of the common faults found in an electric car, and what is the cost of rectification?


Today, there is no shortage of electric car clubs; they can be found all over the world. You will find some clubs that focus exclusively on a specific model or make while others are more inclusive of all types. Some clubs are local or regional, while others are nationwide or global.

For example, the North American Electric Auto Association and the U.K. Battery Vehicle Society are known to be the best electric car clubs available.

Car manufacturers such as REVA, Nissan, Tesla and Mitsubishi also offer their own specialist car clubs to their electric car customers. Some offer free memberships, whereas others charge a fee. If you do find free electric car clubs, take advantage of the opportunity to join. You can then discover more about your preferred models from the owners’ experiences, risk free.