What is a Battery Float Stage?

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Battery charging modes over a two-day periodWhen the battery is charged to its maximum capacity, the applied voltage will be reduced to 13.4V by the charge controller and float mode begins. In this state, the battery has minimum energy flowing in; all renewable energy generated is wasted if it is not redirected to diversion loads. The charge controller remains in float mode until the battery drops below the set voltage (normally 80% of the full charge) or until there is no production of energy by the renewable source (at night, for example). Then, the cycle is repeated.

The considerable excess energy generated between the float and charging stages is wasted if a series regulator is used; it can be diverted for use if a diversion regulator is installed. There is no environmental concern if no diverter is used because this wasted energy is clean but it should be redirected to other electrical applications to offset fossil fuels as it can be quite a considerable amount.

Wastage and diversion processes happen only when the battery is fully charged and there is no redirection for the excess energy generated.