Designing Grid Tie Photovoltaic Systems: Page 2 of 2

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  1. any “phantom loads” (i.e., electricity leaks, or standby mode electronics).
  2. Design the system to run electric appliances at low voltages, rather than by using inverters for high voltage mains power.
  3. Use 12V appliances, which are plentiful due to ample supply for the camping and boating communities. They make a stand-alone solar system or a grid tie/fallback solar system more efficient than a connection to the mains.
  4. It pays to run through a detailed power analysis for any kind of solar electric system you plan to implement.
  5. Take into consideration battery and inverter inefficiencies.
  6. Consider the time of year when the solar electric system is to be used.
  7. When this stage is completed, you will have a better understanding of how to move your project forward to success.