Fluorescent Lighting Types: Page 2 of 2

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as Home Depot. If none is available, your local municipality may be able to assist you with information for the proper disposal of such lamps. There are usually proper channels and procedures for the disposal of hazardous household waste products like CFLs, batteries and paint.  

Track Lighting and Specialized Lighting

No matter how passionate you are about energy conservation, you would not want to put a CF lamp in certain places, such as near your collection of original art. These expensive pieces require  only low-voltage, high-density MR-16 arc lamps. Places like jewelry and watch shops also prefer these miniature spotlights to give clear, sharp lighting on small objects in display cabinets.

Bright lamps filled with MR-16 halogen gas are designed with customized internal reflectors which direct the light to flood one direction. Operating on 12V, MR-16 bulbs need a transformer that comes with the fixture in order to drop the 120V household electric supply. The MR-16 lamp’s low wattage is comparable to bigger CF lamps, so they are just as efficient in certain applications.