Recycling Myths

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There are different types of views when it comes to recycling. Some believe that recycling is an expensive endeavor compared to just using new materials for production. Others also believe that recycling consumes a lot of energy. Both these points of view are merely myths and there is no truth behind them.

Non-believers of the process of recycling also find it impractical to have to transport glass for long distances, just to be recycled through melting. This kind of recycling process is in fact impractical and unsustainable. However, in the recent years, more and more recycling facilities have opened in several localities, so there is no need to transport materials to a far location. There is a lot of scope for practical uses of recycled materials, as well as a market to sell the recycled creations.

Several statistical reports released tend to create a bad reputation for recycling. Nevertheless, what the public should consider is the fact that the transportation of raw materials, mining, and landfills causes pollution and its bad effects are almost impossible to clean up.