How to Reduce Household Waste: Page 2 of 2

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  • harvested from forests, with sustainable management.
  • Flat-pack furniture is usually out of composite materials, which is great, because some of them are from recycled wood such as old, chipped pallets. The transportation of flat-pack furniture consumes very little space.

Avoid disposables

Refrain from using disposable products thrown into the trash after a single use. A few examples of disposable products to avoid are razors, cameras, diapers, cups, plates and cutlery.

Avoid anything that you cannot recycle or reuse whenever possible

Avoid using garden and household chemicals that you should not dispose of in the trash. It is best to use materials, reused or recycled through composting, so that you do not have to worry about disposing of toxic materials from your home or garden.


Choose products sold in refillable containers. Examples of these products are dishwasher detergent, liquid soap, cream cleaner, laundry detergent and many others.

There are also a few food shops selling loose food items at a cheaper price. You just need to purchase the quantity that you require, with as little packaging as possible, or you can also bring your own container.

Buy in bulk

Helpful tips when buying food items in bulk:

  • Find creative ways to use the food items that you have bought in bulk. You can marinate your own olives that you can use for cooking or making cocktails.
  • Transfer the food items into smaller bottles or containers that you can use one at a time.
  • Shopping in bulk together with some friends can help you to divide the cost among yourselves.